Thursday, January 31, 2013


Every time I think of losing weight, I can hear my Dad's philosophy ring in the ears... "Just buy bigger clothes!"  He was always intrigued by our aspirations for good nutrition... yet he didn't want it brought to his table!
From the background that WJ & I both have in fitness and nutrition, aspiring to re-create this lifestyle has become a priority for our family.  We feel this is one of the greatest things aside from Jesus that we could give our girls; as well as elongating the length of our days to enjoy our family. 
To date (since the start of this new year) I have lost 7 pounds.  That's pretty ok with me since it is only the first month.  There is always more that I could be doing, but considering what we have changed since the holiday, I am very encouraged.  And feeling MUCH better!
Food:  I have managed to change almost every eating habit that was dragging me down.  We are still working on the "jelly" cravings of my oldest daughter and WJ, but hey, we're getting there!  We are doing a combination of Dr. Gundry's Diet Evolution, recipes from the Daniel Fast and the basics of portion control. We have eliminated as much processed food as possible at this point and that was no small feat!  I bought a blender, because juicers still intimidate me.  And I'm thankful that the girls will drink pretty much anything I make as long as it has strawberries or kiwi in it! 
I also use the MyFitessPal app on my phone (or the internet) to help journal my food & exercise.  If you are serious about losing weight, start keeping detail on what you take in... it is amazing how this changed my mentality of what (and when) I eat & drink.
Exercise:  I have started doing some form of 'movement' every day.  The addition of the Wii (Christmas present) has been a great tool for us as we were not prepared this year to pay for gym fees.  I'd rather spend our small budget on healthy food and do the work myself.  (I do miss the gym, though.)
I have also found a rekindled love for strength training (which has always been my go-to).  I am using the LIVE FIT program by Jamie Eason.  She is awesome and I love the workouts.  I do however tweek each day to fit my forte of training.  The best results I have seen so far are by incorporating a cardio set in between my lifting.  This helps burn the calories as I tone muscle.  
TIP:  buy a jump rope.  Best way I've found as a mom to get a 'very quick' cardio workout in between meals, homeschool and laundry!  Of course you'd have to make sure the ceilings are high enough, or just step outside.
Rest:  Since WJ has been working crazy shifts, some into the wee hours of the morning, I've realized my need for exercise to help me sleep.  Before Jan. 1, I experienced insomnia at least 4 days out of the week.  Staying up until 3 and 4 a.m. was literally draining me of all energy.  After I started getting my heart rate up everyday, I found myself exhausted by 10 p.m.!  Can you say, "Happy, Happy, Happy!?!"  I am now almost back to my normal sleep pattern of a 10-11 p.m. bedtime, waking by  5-6 a.m. for study, prayer and preparation for the day!  A little shout out to my circle of kindred sisters for all the prayer in this department too!  It has helped!
~ I started the new year at 148 pounds (yeah.  that's a ton of weight on a 5ft frame).  I am now at 141 with a decrease of 4.5 inches total.  Not as much as I'd like, but I'm not going off numbers... simply creating habits of doing something every day and maintaining a nutritional mindset! 
If you want change, start small.  Don't put the pressure on with an unattainable goal.  Set weekly, daily or even hourly goals for yourself and get moving!  Lean on the internet for resources and find others who will support and keep you accountable! 
Happy Shrinking!
What are some of your goals and how is it going now that we are one month into the resolution season???

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