Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Homeschool Room

It is FINALLY finished...well, the furniture is in place and being used.  We still have some organization and storage issues to work out, but who doesn't? 
Here's a little peek into life as a homeschooling Harris.
The work space. 
WJ built the desk from an old crate & palletes. 
(more to come on that transformation soon)
We love Eric Carle! 
(found these in the bargain section at Target this week!  pretty excited)
The 'other wall'. 
Not sure if this set up is my favorite but it's versatile enough for now. 
 The prayer corner and Prissy's play area. 
Found these at Target too!  Not sure what their use will be,
but couldn't pass them up for $2.50 each.
  Part of the seasons wall. 
I found an additional drawing to Fall...Goose climbing. 
She takes after her Daddy just a little bit.
Prissy chewin on a new pencil. 
 Yes, I feed her.  ALL THE TIME.
Goose lovin' her space.
And of course no room in the Harris' household would be complete
without a touch of Christmas charm! 
The star was Goose' addition to her desk
as she, "Can't wait for snow & Christmas!"
Thanks for stopping by! 
Feel free to leave me some organization tips below.
I can use all the help, seeing as how I'm
working on the homeschool closet now.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE IT. I would love to learn in a classroom like that. I like the big map on the wall!
