Sunday, December 16, 2012

That moment. That terrible moment.

Yesterday was spent in a whirlwind of fun, family shopping and holiday festivities here in our new town. Lights, reindeer, Santa, Bing singing on the radio... You get the image.

We set out early and made a day of acquiring all the goodies that will make
next week even more special from sugar cookie dough to new stockings for the mantle. Most of our gifts are ready for the taking and we ended the night in, none other than, the Bass Pro Shop.

As we strolled the aisles, the girls were being champs seeing as how it was the eighth hour of their day out. WJ and I were enjoying getting some last minute gifts for extended family. And then it happened. That moment. That terrible moment that no mother, or anyone for that matter, wants to see...

Prissy had licked the floor! She and Goose were playing with the stroller and I guess a game of "puppy" had developed. Yes, my child was on all fours and had put a little wet spot on the concrete.

There were no words, well none that could be heard out loud by little ears. I scooped her up and seriously considered taking an antibacterial wipe to her tongue. But the damage was done. Even WJ, who's usually "Mr. Awe They'll Be Fine", was looking at her like, "really"?

I smile this morning as I post this, mainly because there are no "terrible mommy" symptoms that have surfaced in Prissy's well being. And believe me I've pleaded the blood of Jesus over her more than once in the last 12 hours.

Just thought you'd enjoy, or be horrified at our little parenting glitch! Happy Sunday!

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