I've started something with our oldest daughter that has quickly been termed, "Mommy Only" time. Tonight I arranged for WJ's mother, Grammy, to sit with Baby A. Since WJ is working, Goose and I went out. "Mommy Only" nights have been on my mind for a while now. And the plan was SO worth it. I took her to Crescent City where we only spent $20...yes, that's right. She absolutely loves shrimp and I knew they would not let us down. We made flowers, hearts & phrases out of the WikkiStix, of which I am a huge fan. Coloring gets boring to a 4 year old after about the 5th minute. These little stix are fantastic and currently reside in my planner to give to daddy later this week!
Goose chose to sit beside me instead of across from me, which did this mother's heart some good. We laughed, cuddled and talked like old friends. People looked at us in awe that no one joined our little gathering, which was fun. We were dressed up and she was adorable in her dress, tights and black mary janes (where did that name come from anyway?) There would be pictures, but I do not have a complicated phone yet. However, people nearby admired her cuteness. I love that she was oblivious to everyone around her but me. She had my undivided attention. The cell phone was in my purse... NOT on the table. I focused on her, wanting her to know she was in view and I knew she was there. We needed this time. It's been a little awkward with WJ working out of town... things get strained at times. And I am so thankful for the few moments we spent tonight.
The second part of our evening was spent at BAM. She loves books. Her daddy usually takes her there on rainy days but this was a special night. We walked through the store, picked her top 3 and sat in the cafe (since they chose to take away every chair except the coffee spots. blah). I read various topics of My Little Pony, Dr. Suess & Danny the Dinosaur. Plus one of the greatest pop up books EVER: The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle (it's a POP UP) !!!!!
If you are a parent, especially a mom, take the time to be with your children. Not just in the same room or nearby. I have realized after tonight, how much time I don't spend with her even though we are together every day. I am around her. But I've got to do better at being with her. Watching her, listening to her. Letting her know I have time to play Talk Talk Animals (her made up game), read a book together, or play You Can't Catch Me (another make up).
I truly support the importance of the "Daddy Date", but I strongly believe it is equally or maybe more important for our daughters (and sons if you have them) to have one-on-one time with their mommies. We are the ones constantly reminding them to flush the potty, close the door, put their shoes, toys, books away! They need to know balance with us. They need to hear a gentle word of encouragement. So, what better way than to make them feel on top of the world by creating a whole night (or day) JUST FOR THEM!!! It's worth it. Believe me. I am better for it. And so is she. So peaceful.
I thank God for my girls. I will be actively involved and aware. And I pray that you will count it important to make time for your family tomorrow! Don't wait.
On the ride home, I asked Goose (as I do everyday) what her favorite part of the day was. She replied, "Tonight!". Then I asked what she loved most about tonight... "All of it."
My heart smiles.
YAY for Mommy dates!!! You're an amazing mother, despite your husband having to work out of town. I know that gets hard but you are still so good at what you do!! Can't wait to see the women your girls grow into!! Love you!!